The Mordale Dream … Made Real

This is the sample book which arrived here about a week ago.

There were times when we thought we might never see the day ... but that day has finally arrived. The Mordale book is scheduled to arrive here at our home THIS AFTERNOON.

Look! It's a real book!

Laura and I will be setting up the shipping labels this week and begin shipping this final book out to you directly.

Now it is more important that ever to get your corrected and current physical addresses on this site so that we can get the book shipped to you. If you are still having trouble logging in to your account (even after attempting password recovery) then contact me directly and include the complete physical address where you want your book sent. I'll manually make the corrections here.

Thank you for joining un this journey ... it has been a lot longer and more difficult that we expected but we have come to the conclusion at last!


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